Who We Are
Learn About HTWCEA

HTWCEA is a nonprofit, nongovernmental tribal coalition incorporated in Arizona to provide training, technical assistance, policy development, and advocacy support to tribal and nontribal government program/agencies, and awareness on domestic violence and sexual assault-related issues to the general public. A six-member Board of Directors provides leadership and oversight to HTWCEA. Board members include Hopi Tewa women and men with diverse backgrounds and experience and knowledge from various disciplines; together they form a strong solid foundation.
Our Purpose
To serve as a forum for uniting Hopi and Tewa women in order to:
Provide safety and support for domestic violence and sexual assault victims/survivors from a victim-centered approach;
Promote leadership development of Hopi and Tewa women to effect social change and systemic reform; and
Educate the public toward a better understanding of violence against women.
Our Initiatives
HTWCEA seeks to:
Collaborate with local health care agencies on developing victim-centered forensic examination/medical services to victims of sexual assault. (link to Training & TA tab)
Create a seamless safety net of collaborating agencies and allies to safeguard, support and provide an array of services for victims/survivors and families of domestic violence and sexual assault. (link to Training & TA tab)
Educate Hopi tribal leadership on pressing domestic violence and sexual assault issues and State, Federal, and Tribal policies that impact the safety of native women and accountability of perpetrators. (link to Tribal Leadership Engagement tab)
Expand public awareness/sensitivity and community agency education/training on sexual assault and domestic violence-related issues and available resources. (link to Outreach & Community Education tab)

Our Mission
“Advocate for a coordinated and effective response system that creates a safety net towards building healthy communities, while embracing the strength of our cultural values and traditions.”